Sunday, May 8, 2011


My initial intention of going down to City Hall is to accompany my cousin look for drumsticks. In the end, 2 extra events took place. 
1) My guitar pick collection grew. I bought a set of Skelanimal guitar picks. Well, why? I just can't stand cute stuffs like this. I think it is about 0.83 thick, just suitable for acoustics for those who prefer thicker picks.

2) I went to apply for SV Guitars Membership!
Apparently, you are supposed to buy an item in order for the person to issue you the membership card. Since it is any item, I just bought a few batteries. <Click here to read more about the membership and its benefit>.


GZNG said...

you get the privilege of having "Bill To: your name here" as well

Loki said...

Hahaha.. I hardly scan through the receipt. I'll look out for it next time. xD