Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, my V-picks collection has grown by 2 extra members, Shredder and Screamer. 

As you can see, Shredder is the triangle in shape. It is triangle so that the ends are thin and sharp. Everything about it is 'sharpness' even its edges. Apparently, it serves well for shredding as its name appeals. However, it is not as good for chords. 

Screamer is much like the original V-pick. The difference is that the beveling is much more than the original; it has a longer bevel. A picture always speaks a thousand words.
The manufacturer say the longer bevel creates sharp attack, brighter tone & more volume (which is precisely why it is named 'Screamer'). Screamer and Acoustic are the exact same model. And yes, Screamer indeed produce a brighter tone but it may be excessive when used to play on the acoustic, especially if you are playing rhythm. 

V-picks can be purchased from Brendon from BGW Guitars.

Next V-pick on my buying list: Dimension Unbuffed.


GZNG said...

hey Loki,
just curious, where do you reside? cos the next time you head down to BGW, could you help me get a V-pick glow, small and pointed? or any glowing model for acoustic (picking)? sadly i cant make trips down to brendon's place in my current timeframe :(

Loki said...

I stay in amk. Actually, i got all my v picks and stuffs frm bgw through mail. Brendon provides free postage domestically u see. I make my payment through bank transfer. =)

GZNG said...

hmm, sadly, no bank account or paypal either...

Loki said...

where do u stay? I can pay for first actually then we can meet up and pass u ur pick. =)

GZNG said...

Well i am at Changi, but I can travel down to city hall to meet up with you like, next week. Going guitar shopping then:)

Loki said...

Well, i will usually go for guitar shopping on saturdays. maybe we can meet and go next time. =)

GZNG said...

haha possible, but i usually go poking around for accessories rather than guitars :) anyhoo, i'll see if i can free up this or next saturday, whichever day is easier for you to pass me the pick. will probably be window shopping with friends hehe

Loki said...

You are certain u want the pick then? Why don't u ask him to mail to you instead? Wouldn't be better? And ask a classmate with DBS bank account to help u pay. Not that i don't want to help you. I m willing to help you if you really do not have a choice. =)

GZNG said...

oh yeah good point:) i'll see what my options are, whether there's anyone willing to help me out hehe:D thanks again!

Loki said...

no problem. =)