Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Squier Scenario

People said I am very anal when it comes to guitars, regardless of mine or others. I can't stand it when people fail to handle guitar with care. I just hate douchebags like that.
The below is a picture of my Squier.
As you can see, there are no strings on it. I cut them off. Here is the scenario.
I lent
 my Squier to someone. When it returns to me, I didn't make a thorough check but keep it away. It was only until 3-4 days ago when I felt that the action is too high. After a quick check, it confirmed my doubts; the neck has wrapped. 
I use gauge-9 for my Squier and 10 for my Fernandes. It seems that the one of the strings might have snapped and the person, without even asking me, bought a string of a larger gauge and changed them. I suspect it to be a 10 or even 11 (he uses 11). THIS could have cause the excessive neck relief. He seems to think that it is harmless. I think he is just plain ignorant. All I can do now is to cut off all the strings. 
If you are lending a guitar and the string snaps while playing it, please do call the owner of the guitar and ask him what gauge and brand he uses for the strings. Everytime you change a gauge, you need to readjust  the anchor screws and the truss rod according. 

Other problems after borrowing the Squier:
  • Volume knob was loose at first, but now all the knobs are loose.
  • The cable jack is loose
Lessons Learnt:
Never lend your guitar unless it is someone you can trust your instrument to.

I can hear it crying. It needs to visit the S.G.H (SV Guitar Hospital). 


GZNG said...

would it be too much to head for a full re setup? usually you gotta let the neck relax back into it's 'natural position', takes a few days, and then check the bowing, and readjust the truss rod... i'm not too familiar with the mechanics of a solid body, but that's what i do for my acoustic and any others that come my way for a touch up job... no doubt this friend of Your's is downright irresponsible, a guitar is built and conditioned for a specific performance, usually weighted on strings, excessive tension would really screw the neck... i'd cry for your squier too :@

Loki said...

Hmm, it would cost about 100 to get all the pots repaired and setting it up. If this guitar wasn't my 1st guitar, i wouldn't have bothered to repair it. I know how to readjust the truss rod but apparently, i dun have the necessary tools =( and you can't use allen key..
I still haven't settle with the guy on this. he keep denying about changing the strings, even though it's pretty obvious. I don't use non-coated strings due to my sweaty palms.

GZNG said...

well when it gets sorted out, it's just a matter of self repair, or full setup i guess... oh and what coated srings do you use? i'm using the d'addario set for acoustics, and they seem pretty good. been in there for almost twice the usual duration hehe

Loki said...

I use GHS, Ernie Ball, DR, etc.. I m willing to try any coated strings for my own experience. xD

GZNG said...

sweaty palms... a curse that plagues us haha

Loki said...

Yeah. It is irritating. That's why I always bring a piece of cloth to wipe the neck of the guitars i tried in any shop.

Ai said...

I <3 D'Addario for acoustic :D Agree, they last double (or more) the time span than other brands. Mine lasted a full year before signs of rust started to show.