Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Roland Experience @ Central Plaza

This happened last Sunday. However, it's better late than never!

There was an event going on at Central Plaza in Bangkok.
All most all types of Roland products are displayed there; piano, electric piano, synth, vintage synth, drums, etc... Of course Boss products were featured as well. What did they feature? All their products in their 2012 catalog ranging from single pedals to multi-effects. 
This is definitely a heaven for any gear addict.
You get to try all the pedals just like in the picture above! All the pedals are connected to a clean channel of Roland Cube, a 50W if I'm not wrong. I can't remember though. Sadly everyone is trying them and there were these two dudes (two brothers I guess since they look alike) who tried the pedals for the whole 45 minutes I was at the event! That's inconsiderate of them. 
Here is the multi-effects section. They have everything, even the vocal effects. I played around with the GT-100 and the ME-25. GT-100 obviously have an upgraded and improved COSM system. The amp models there are definitely sweeter sounding. And trust me, it is not that complicated to operate, though ME-70 is much easier to do so. ME-25 sounds pretty much like the ME-70 actually. Not much of a difference though tweaking on ME-25 is not as straightforward as the ME-70.
Here is the e-Band and others section. I spent most of my time at the e-Band. I almost wanted to get it. Trying it was a double-reassurance that Boss will always sound very acceptable. Actually, I love it. Most of my tone nowadays is from my ME-70. What is the blue effect thing over there? That's a guitar synth processor. I have not much interest in them so I didn't bother with it. 
Most of the guitars provided are actually of brands I've never heard of. Some of the guitars, however, are equipped with Teslas and some of the basses are Fernandes. The guitar I tried that day, it has covered Tesla pups, which I assume is the VR-60 Classic. 
 This kid was sort of a 'highlight' for the day. This kid was actually playing the drums, not playing with the drums. You should see him play the double-kick roll. It wasn't perfect but pretty amazing for what a kid as young as him could do!
There were musicians to entertain us as well. I see that the musicians are not limited to Roland products only. I smelled a Dr. Z over there! The synths were Rolands of course
Oh! I almost forgot. They featured the Roland V-guitar as well! What is it? It's a Fender stratocaster with equipped with synth capabilities by Roland. A collaboration between Fender and Roland.  

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