Sunday, December 4, 2011

The red 'baby' in HERE!

Well, I believe I am not the only one who pampered myself with a new instrument at the end of the year. Now come to think of it, all my band members are getting new instruments. Bassist got himself a new LTD bass, keyboardist (also the 2nd author of this blog) got himself a new synthesizer. The vocalist will be getting something as well. Oh well, anyway this is what I've gotten myself for. Not going to talk much about its goodness today. I will leave it for another day!

This is the discontinued UNO Standard. I bought this from Subversion. As usual, I have faith in him and that he takes very good care of all his instruments and he will never sell any faulty instrument. So I didn't even bother to try it out before getting it. But I do know what to expect from a UNO Standard since I'd tried it countless times at SV before it was sold. 
When I show this to my friend, she said it's just like my Fernandes. =/ Oh well, she is not entirely wrong actually. Both are red and comes with a quilted top. I just like quilted tops and red colour. For UNO Standard, the matching headstock and the binding is what makes it more sexy. 
Now, my Christmas is complete. New guitar, new pedal and more to come! I am definitely a happy boy!
The above is the gig bag that comes along with the UNO Standard. It is a very well-padded bag for a complementary gig bag. However, I will still be getting a hard case since it will probably be traveling with me to Myanmar.
Lastly, I got a matching guitar strap. I find the velvet-like material for the strap rather attractive. And it goes well with the quilted top! Now, I will have to think of a name for it.


Z said...

Damn bro thats one sexy beast! We should A/B it against my Burny xD said...

good to know you are happy. don't expect an LP-like response from this one or compare it to some other LP copies... it's just not that type of guitar.

Loki said...

Hahaha. Yep bro. I m really in love with it! hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Hey bro, modded my rally GL-300 to look strangely similar to the UNO. Nice buy though!

One question: your Dunlop strap locks, where do you get them?

Z said...

dunlop strap locks avail at davis

Anonymous said...

Z: ?
i don't need the strap itself =)

Loki said...

Hey bro! Davis sells them for 2.50 each if i remember correctly. I need a pair for my UNO as well! I will buy it for all my guitars.