Saturday, April 2, 2011

2nd chance

I've used a set of Gallistrings for electric guitar, which didn't last long at all. In fact, I decided to just stick back to my favourite strings, GHS coated Boomer.

Let's give Gallistrings another try, shall we? xD
As you can see, Gallistrings is now on my acoustic. Apparently, from what I know, this band would be the cheapest coated acoustic strings. D'addario would have cost $15. Gallistrings costs $4 less. This makes a world of difference for those under a tight budget. =)
Gallistrings can be bought at SV guitars/Standard Value

4 comments: said...

no issues with Gallistrings for me but they are all the electric set.

Loki said...

I only tried theire electric set once.. but it didn't last long. The string at the ball end broke. I am not sure why though. But i decided to try its acoustic set this time to see if the same thing will happen again.

GZNG said...

the strings tarnished in under two weeks even with good maintenance on my acoustic, just wondering how your set is going

Loki said...

Well.. it has started tarnishing already. My sweaty palms really creates a lot of trouble. >.<
But this is still better than the uncoated strings. It will rust in 2 days.. O_O