Saturday, April 23, 2011

The "Pawn Shop"

Pawn  Shop? Pawning your guitar? Nah.. It's just a name.
I am still wondering why Fender would give their new guitar model the name "Pawn Shop". 

Fender '51
If anyone can recall, this '51 isn't something entirely new. Previously, there was already a squier version of it available, which was discontinued. This Pawn Shop features a push-pull spilt-coil system and the pickup selector comes in form of a 3-Position Rotary.
Fender '72
A modification of '72 Thinline? Somewhat I guess, just that the bridge pickup is an Enforcer and not a Wide-range. However, '72 Thinline is a Telecaster. This is more like a stratocaster featuring a telecaster's headstock. The same goes for '51. No pickup selector for this guy. It comes with a tone blender instead but they serve the same purpose.

Mustang Special
The old mustang features a set of single coil. The Pawn Shop is equipped with Enforcer™ "Wide range" Humbuckers. It also feature a different bridge; a '70-style Hard-Tail Stratocaster bridge. No tremolo bar this  baby.

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