Monday, March 21, 2011

Kamikaze.... Episode-1

I know I am not supposed to post but... I can't help posting this up. =3
I think everyone can remember the old Japanese infamous Kamikaze during WWII.
Have you then see the guitar version of this? Well, I did, at my void deck today.
On my way back after mugging at the library, I saw this two guys jamming at a void deck. One guy was using an LTD F-250 or F-350 while the other was using an Ibanez. White colour, white pickguard, and HSH configuration. I would assume that it is  They had their babies plugged into Orange Micro Crush each. 
Suddenly, the white Ibanez goes "BANG" on the floor. I don't know how much this act of 'kissing-the-floor' does to it. 
What I want to bring up today is.... there are many ways he could have prevent this.
1: Getting an external strap lock
2: Get a lock strap.

Some would suggest using of duct tape instead. I don't like to use it. It is far too complicated compare to the above-mentioned. Simplicity is the best.

NOTE: I don't think the Dunlop Strap Locks (above) can fit in the strap locks of PRS guitars. I can't confirm this but that's what I've been told.


Anonymous said...

wow. thats so kamikaze for the guys i guess.. where to get these locks?

Loki said...

I got my Dunlop locks from Davis (DMC). If i remember correctly, it costs $3 per piece. Of cos u need a pair so that will cost you $6 per pair. I had them on my Squier Strat.. Works properly.
I think Swee Lee also has them.

For the lock strap, I get Planet Waves ones from SV guitars. Many guitar shops have toe lock strap. Each costs around like $25-$30 there. A bit more pricey compare to a normal strap but it's worth the investment rather than letting a Prestige kiss the floor like what the guy did. =) said...

i don't think updating your blog would be a threat to your studies...

Loki said...

hahaha well.. ya.. but i've got too many things to cover.. Now i m free though!! gonna start updating again!