Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New gauge, new tuning

The DR-strings EXTRA LIFE on my Fernandes has snapped. It was quite an irony that DR EXTRA LIFE only lasted for not more than 3 weeks. So I have restrung it with a new set of strings.
Gallistrings. gauge-11
I bought a larger gauge of strings on purpose. Main purpose is to cut string slack when I tune my guitar one step down. And in fact, I usually use my Fernandes for songs with guitars tuned 1 step down. My plan worked. There aren't that much of string slack. However, there is also a limitation I face. I can't tune my guitar to standard tuning. The tension of the strings might be too much for the neck and the tuners to take. Well, that's exactly when my Squier comes in whenever I wish to play something at normal tuning. =)

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