Wednesday, June 29, 2011

LTD in ESP's clothing

I was talking with a friend (someone who I have sold one of my pedals to). The good man was telling me to be cautious of scam since he had friends who recently got scammed. So he shared with me one of the stories.

There is a certain guy, who was selling an ESP guitar. I'm not sure if he is on Soft or not. However, the ESP he was selling is actually a LTD. Apparently, he sanded the LTD logo on the headstock and then paint it back black. Then, he got an ESP headstock decal (probably from online like eBay) and pasted it. The decal was of some quality that it could fool anyone. But what he couldn't change about Ltd was its 12th fret. ESP guitars do not have their model names on the 12th fret but just a simple 'ESP' or some doesn't even have that.. For Ltd, if it is a Viper-300, it will be written there.
ESP Viper

LTD Viper-300FM

So he was selling an ESP guitar with the model no. on the 12th fret.

However, he eventually managed to sell it to some gullible guy for S$ 3k. According to my friend, that guy didn't know anything much about Ltd or Esp, so the suspicious 12th fret didn't alarm him at all.
Moral of the story? I think we should make some researches on the guitar we wish to buy first. A few things this guy could have done is to go to the net and check the model of that 'ESP' he was buying. Or he could have gone to Davis, which is an authorised dealer for ESP.

(I think there are a bit of grammar mistakes here and there since i wrote this in a rush. Please help me point out if you've spotted one.)

4 comments: said...

such scums sould be exposed as well.

Loki said...

Yeah.. My fren warned him not to appear on soft again with another fake guitar or else, he'll be exposed and reported to the police. said...

bro... feel FREE to write first, don't let potential grammatical errors haunt you in the process :-)

Loki said...

Hahaha ok bro! XD Actually, i just sincerely wish to improve my English. So what I'm hoping is that it will improve through my blogging as well, tat is if i don't keep making mistakes =x