Monday, August 1, 2011


A few things I noticed nowadays. Many people have various interesting ways to pronounce names of a guitar.
I see many people calling Squier as 'Squire'. 

Different people pronouncing Ibanez differently. Some pronouce it as Ai-Ben-Nex while some pronounce it as Ee-Ben-Nex (sounds so much like the shop). The worst case I've ever heard is 'Ai-Ban-Ne-Zz'. 

Basswood.. People would conveniently pronounce it as Base-wood. The correct pronunciation would be Bas-Wood, rhyming with words like 'has'. I myself used to have this problem.

Another mistake of mine. I used to call Strymon pedals as sty-ra-mon (like how you would pronounce Poke'Mon). I just realised that it's pronounced as Sty-mon (rhyming the 'mon' of the word demon).

One of my schoolmate couldn't pronounce Seymour Duncan. I'm not being mean but it's 'entertaining' to make him pronounce that. Thus, he simply calls it SD. 

DiMarzio is another one. Some pronounce it as Di-Marzio while some would simply make it D-Marzio. I once know a guy who ended up calling it D-Mario. 
Well, I'm not saying you MUST pronounce them correctly. It is just fun to listen to people calling them in different names. :)

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