Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shopping (again)^4

This time, I didn't buy anything for myself. It is mainly for my church back in Myanmar. The two items they wanted are:

  • A decent amp below $100 to replace the one they currently have right now. It seems that that small Fernandes amp is starting to sound like mud (according to them). 
  • A pedal. And it must not be expensive (about $60).
It was such a pain though. Firstly, $100 dollars is a very tight budget for an amp. Plus, I wasn't told what wattage they want. So assuming that they want the same wattage as the Fernandes, which is a 15W. Since they never mention about the need of a reverb, I introduced MK Tone EG-15. I can't think of anything else apart from Marshall MG15 but... not a real fan of MG15, you see..
It is nothing special in terms of look. However, never judge a book by its cover. Despite its plain look, it has a lot to offer an 15W practice amp. The clean channel of EG-15 produces a lot of warmth (which is what I like about this). It's drive channel is rather good as well as the gain can give different tone, ranging from mild overdrive to intense distortion. It is very versatile indeed. After all, it is designed to cater different needs for various genres. In my opinion, this EG-15 is the best value for $$ within all the 15W amps I've ever tried. 3 band equalisers, Aux in, headphone jack. So what does it lacks? This is an awesome amp made by Mike himself (but most of you already know this, or so I think xD). I just hope the guitarist back there know how to extract its full potential out of it. 

Next, the pedal. This is a hard one. I wasn't told what type of pedal, if they want a multi-effect or what but the budget and the hint "the most useful". Since it is for church, definitely no metal distortion of anyway. So I thought of Boss BD-2 Blues Driver and other Boss pedals. None of them are in the budget and Beta Aivin is the only pedals that is below $60. The look doesn't really seems to appeal him so I introduced the Modtone Mini Distortion.
I think I've mentioned this before. Among all the Modtone Mini, this Mini Distortion is the closest to its non-mini Speedbox Distortion. Now, I hope that this fits in the category 'most useful pedal'. -.-

My results were a total disaster. I really need to start working hard. So I might have to trade off some of time blogging. =(

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